Developments & Proving Grounds

Here you'll find proof of concepts, interesting side projects and proof of skills alongside with medeling with different technologies.

Payment Page

Using the MEN stack, we created a platform that offers Austinite-unique experiences to its inhabitants and wannabe inhabitants. 512unes is charged with marketing Austin's local bands nationally and internationally as a premier business and leisure destination, thus enriching our community's overall quality of life.

3D Space

Using the MEN stack, we created a platform that offers Austinite-unique experiences to its inhabitants and wannabe inhabitants. 512unes is charged with marketing Austin's local bands nationally and internationally as a premier business and leisure destination, thus enriching our community's overall quality of life.


This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.


Results Summary

Thanks to Frontend Mentor the development presented challenges one's coding skills by building realistic projects. The challenge is to build out this results summary component and get it looking as close to the design as possible..


Here you'll find proof of concepts, interesting side projects and medeling with different technologies.

First API

Thanks to Frontend Mentor the development presented challenges one's coding skills by building realistic projects. The challenge is to build out this results summary component and get it looking as close to the design as possible..

Second API

Thanks to Frontend Mentor the development presented challenges one's coding skills by building realistic projects. The challenge is to build out this results summary component and get it looking as close to the design as possible..